A consultant anaesthetist at Milton Keynes University Hospital completed a gruelling charity bike ride from Lands Ends to John O’Groats last month to raise money for a new improved relative’s room for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at MKUH (Milton Keynes University Hospital).
Dr Jamie Strachan, a critical care consultant anaesthetist at MKUH completed the unsupported bike ride across the length of the country in 10 days; setting off from Lands’ End and cycling more than 1,696 KM to John O’Groats – raising £1,400 along the way.
The money raised will be used to help fund a new improved relative’s room for the ICU at Milton Keynes University Hospital.
Although all hospitals are different, every intensive care unit (ICU) will have a relative’s room normally just outside the ICU for relatives and loved ones of patients to use. Visitors are usually asked by staff to wait in this room while the patient is being treated. The room also provides relatives and friends respite from their bedside vigil, and for difficult conversations between families and clinicians.
The current relatives’ room at MKUH is functional, but basic, providing a much-needed space for patients loved ones.
Jamie’s fundraising will go towards transforming the existing relative’s room into a well-designed, comfortably furnished non-clinical space for patients loved ones to retreat to at some of the most difficult and distressing times of the lives. The remaining funding will be provided by existing charitable funds and donations received by Milton Keynes Hospital Charity.

When a loved one is critically ill – whatever the circumstances of their illness and recovery – it is a very anxious time for the friends and family, and the ‘rellies rooms’ are not always the calming spaces they ought to be. This is why I am fundraising to improve the space relatives have.
Dr Jamie Strachan, Consultant Anaesthetist
If you would like to support the transformation of the ICU relatives’ room or help improve the experience of patients and their loved ones at Milton Keynes University Hospital you can make a donation here or email [email protected] to discuss other ways to get involved.