Be seen in green

Join the green movement
‘Go green’ for your local hospital
Be Seen In Green in October and help us make a difference to patients, families, and the staff who care for them at Milton Keynes University Hospital.
The concept’s simple. Hold a fundraiser, give it a green theme, and help raise money for charitable projects at the hospital.
You can help us make a difference by doing anything green-themed, whether it’s a virtual quiz with a green-themed round, a green bake-off, a run or walk wearing green, or a plant sale! Big or small, every penny makes a difference – and you’ll have heaps of fun doing it!
Milton Keynes Hospital Charity launched Be Seen In Green in 2019 urging people in Milton Keynes to raise money for the hospital’s Cancer Centre.
Over 40 organisations including schools, community groups, and local businesses, donned their green outfits, baked green goods, and helped to raise an incredible £22,000!
In 2020, Be Seen In Green helped to fund a special BabyLeo incubator for the Neonatal Unit at the hospital.
We’re looking for people to take part and support us again this year, so if you’d like to find out more please get in touch!

Fundraising? we can help.
Get your ‘Be Seen in Green’ pack, which includes balloons, stickers, and other green goodies to maximise the fundraising fun!