01908 996038 fundraising@mkuh.nhs.uk

Making a Will gives you peace of mind. It ensures your family and loved ones are provided for, and that your assets are distributed as you wish.

It’s also an opportunity to think about what’s important to you and to consider any additional gifts you’d like to leave to the causes close to your heart. 

We all have our own reasons to be thankful for the NHS – whether it’s for personal treatment received, or for the care provided to a family member or friend.

Leaving a gift to Milton Keynes University Hospital in your Will can help us make a lasting impact long into the future.

Speak to your solicitor or Will writer about making your Will. They’ll be able to advise you on the legalities and process.

Once you’ve made provision for your family and friends, you can choose to leave a gift to Milton Keynes University Hospital though Milton Keynes Hospital Charity.

You’ll need our full details for your Will as follows:

  • Milton Keynes Hospital Charity
  • Registered Charity number: 1048297
  • Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes, MK6 5LD