Our impact
We mean, your impact
Whilst we affectionately call it ‘our’ Impact Report, it’s very much YOUR Impact Report.
Because YOU make it all possible.

New ‘Rolls Royce’ incubators for Neonatal Unit
In 2020 we raised funds for some very special incubators to benefit babies born too early, too small or very ill – called BabyLeos.
Considered the ‘Rolls Royce’ of incubators, BabyLeos feature built-in scales (so the baby doesn’t need to be lifted out so much), a smart heating system that maintains the right temperature, and special mechanisms that allow the baby’s bed to be pulled out so parents can touch and embrace their child.
The incubators can even be lowered for C-section mums, play music and allow personalisation of colour, too!

Cancer Centre Appeal
Our Cancer Centre Appeal was launched in 2018 to support the build of a comfortable and welcoming space offering treatments, as well as a wide range of support services to anyone affected by cancer.
Where cancer care was once provided in three different locations on the hospital site, the new Cancer Centre brought together most treatments under one roof.
We raised an incredible £1 million towards this building which opened just before the pandemic hit in March 2020. This funded patient bedrooms, comfortable chemotherapy chairs, thriving gardens, and special medical equipment.

Supporting #TeamMKUH
Thanks to funding from NHS Charities Together, we were able to fully fund the dedicated Staff Hub in 2021. And now, thanks to charitable donations, we’ve funded a beautiful garden just outside the Hub for staff to enjoy.
Working with Chapmans Building Services, we’ve repaved the area to make it fully accessible, funded benches, and planted many trees and flowers.

We know that rest plays an enormous part in wellbeing so I am absolutely delighted that we have been able to have the area outside the Staff Hub landscaped and picnic tables put in. I can already see people enjoying this space and I know it’ll make a significant difference to staff for years to come.
Our Lead Chaplain, Sarah Crane, who supervises the space with her team

Ward 3 Garden Uplift
Through charitable donations, we were able to fund the transformation of a courtyard garden into a beautiful and usable space, and give patients direct access from the ward.

A lot of patients on the ward have dementia or delirium and they can get restless, so having a courtyard that they can access to go for a walk, get some air and sunshine, or sit and have a chat is fantastic. It’s a peaceful, soothing area which is perfect for taking a break from the ward, which can be very noisy at times.
Tracy Davis, Senior Sister on Ward 3

Artwork in and around the hospital
Our charity funds the curation and management of the hospital’s growing art collection as well as its courtyard gardens.
We now have over 420 pieces of artwork in and around the hospital which bring great benefit to patients, visitors, and staff.
Not only does the art enhance the environment and provide a pleasing distraction, it also presents works that explore the intersection between health, wellbeing, ageing, families, caring, and hospital/clinical spaces.
We’re also very proud to work with the charity Arts for Health MK to manage five courtyard gardens where patients, visitors and staff can visit and take time out from the ward whenever they like.

To help the remarkable staff working at MKUH, our charity launched an urgent COVID-19 appeal in March 2020.
As can be expected, during the COVID-19 crisis there was an unprecedented demand for our NHS services. Staff at the hospital worked tirelessly – often away from their families – to ensure exceptional care for patients was continually delivered.
The extraordinary outpouring of love that was given to our hospital saw us raising more than £180,000. This was spent on care packs for staff, staff wellbeing hubs, items to support staff when caring for isolated patients, iPads for virtual visiting, and a staff room refurbishment programme.