The 2022-23 Mayor of Milton Keynes Amanda Marlow this week visited Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, to find out more about the incredible work the Charity supports, and the to see the first hand the impact charity donations have on improving the experience of patients at Milton Keynes University Hospital.
The first stop for the mayor was to Ward 3 to see the recently transformed patient day room – which was funded entirely by charitable donations. Meeting the brilliant staff who work on the ward, the tour included the tranquil gardens also funded by charity donations last year. Senior Ward Sister Tracy Davis and her team have really driven these projects to benefit patients and families staying on the ward.
Following the visit to ward 3 the mayor also visited the Milton Keynes Cancer Centre, taking time to meet some of the centre’s pharmacy team, hearing about the impact on the recently purchased fridges for the Cancer Centre that have reduced time spent collecting medication from the main Pharmacy, the staff explained the difference this purchase has made, and gave some insight into how medicines and drugs are prepared on-site, to further reduce waiting times and enhance patient experience.
The afternoon meant a lot to staff, and to the charity team to show off some of our projects and how marvellous MKUH is!
To find out more about charity funded projects or how you can make a difference to staff and patients at Milton Keynes University Hospital email: